[ Kalimba & MSP pickup ] Recording covered "Ballade pour Adeline" with Roland GO:MIXER and MSP pickup
"Ballade pour Adeline" is covered on Kalimba, seeds 17 keys.
"Ballade pour Adeline" in this video is recorded with 123sound.jp MSP pickup and Roland GO:MIXER.
The MSP pickup in this video is attached on the sound board of the Kalimba with strong magnets. MSP pickup can be mounted to sandwich soundboard.
"Ballade pour Adeline" in this video is recorded with 123sound.jp MSP pickup and Roland GO:MIXER.
The MSP pickup in this video is attached on the sound board of the Kalimba with strong magnets. MSP pickup can be mounted to sandwich soundboard.
| 123sound.jp (MSP pickup company site) | 123sound.jp SHOP |
#BalladepourAdeline #kalimbarecording #gomixer #roland #seeds17keys #kalimbacover #howto