[ RAV VAST STEEL DRUM with MSP pickup ] Introducing effects pedals for Kalimba, RAV DRUM, and GANG mini2 drum

05:30 - Kenji Azuma performing
44:40 - Interview for his equipment

MSP pickup that can be installed to musical instruments with magnetic force is a contact pickup from Japan. Kenji Azuma performing in this video uses MSP pickups for Kalimba, Rav Drum (steel tongue drum) and GANK2 mini drum. MSP pickup is patented in Japan, US, and so on. MSP pickup has very easy installation.

Kenji Azuma introduces his instrument and effects pedals in this video. Please check it!

MSP pickup for more information: https://123sound.jp/msp_e.html

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#magneticpickup #MSPpickup #magneticpower #effectspedals #ravdrum #steeltonguedrum #ravvast #kenjiazuma #kalimba

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