[ Irish harp & MSP pickup ] The equipment to webcast her performance of the Irish harp!

The harpist in this video, Yukari Nishida, says that the harp sound is helped by MSP pickup.
Information for MSP pickuphttps://123sound.jp/msp_e.html
Online shop for MSP pickuphttps://123sound.stores.jp/

[ About the position for MSP pickup ]

MSP pickup mic on the Irish harp is attached with magnetsMSP pickup can be installed to sandwich the soundboard of the Irish harp
MSP pickup is attached with strong magnetic power. 
Insert a magnet from the sound hole of the backside and sandwich the sound board with MSP pickup and a magnet.

[ PA setting ]
Behringer EUROPORT EPA150, Portable PA System
Behringer EUROPORT EPA150, Portable PA System

[ Vocal microphone ]
SHURE SVX14/PGA31, Wireless Headset System with MSP pickup
SHURE SVX14/PGA31, Wireless Headset System

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