[ MSP pickup on the Ukulele ] Ukulele session with Roland AC-33 using the looper

Hideaki Hashimoto plays "君とのエンドロール by 鈴木智貴" with the ukulele.
MSP pickup, a contact pickup, can be attached to the ukulele with magnets easily. 
He in this video installed the MSP pickup in just 20 seconds.

 123sound.jp MSP pickup (pickup)
 Roland AC-33 (amp)

Player: Hideaki Hashimoto https://sakulele.hp.peraichi.com/sakulelestudio

| 123sound.jp (MSP pickup company site) | 123sound.jp SHOP |

#looper #roland #loopstation #ukulelesession #AC33 #magnet #pickup #magneticpower #MSPpickup

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