[ Toy microphone × MSP pickup ] Analog spring reverb recording test

I picked up reverb sound of a toy mic using an MSP pickup and Roland GO:MIXER.

The toy mic has analog spring reverb and the sound is good. So I tried to record the sound of this toy. Attach a contact pickup, MSP pickup, to this toy microphone and record via a smartphone's audio interface.

The first half of this video is about the equipment settings for recording, and the second half is a comparison between the sound taken with a digital camera and line-in recording (using iPhone  and GO: MIXER).
The gain of the toy is gone up too much, so the noise is terrible, but it has a good effect. Please check it out!

・Toy microphone
・K.Yairi ukulele

・MSP pickup: It is a contact pickup that can be attached to a musical instrument with strong magnets (PAT. No.8916763). Two MSP pickups are used for the toy and for the ukulele.
・GO:MIXER: It is a audio interface for smartphones. I connect it to my iPhone. A MSP pickup is connected to "GUITAR/BASS" directly  and another MSP is connected to "MIC" through BOSS DI-1.
・BOSS DI-1: It is a direct box. MSP pickup outputs high impedance signal. Use it to connect a MSP pickup to "MIC" on GO:MIXER (low-impedance) .

| 123sound.jp (MSP pickup company site) | 123sound.jp SHOP |

#analogspringreverb #recording #echo #toy #microphone #springreverb #microphonespringreverb #GOMIXER #lineinrecording

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