[ Kora/Kalimba/Lyre/Handpan × MSP pickup ] Switching an MSP pickup to the other instruments

Yu Soda, who bills himself as a musician having nature spirit, tried our MSP pickup on uncommon musical instruments: Kora (a west African stringed instrument with 21 strings), Kalimba (an African thumb piano), Yukin (a small harp), and Handpan. To reduce rustling noises made when instruments are touched and clicking noises made when attaching/removing the MSP pickup, he uses a rubber sheet or a cushion sticker on the side of MSP pickup facing instruments. 

MSP pickup is a piezoelectric transducer contact pickup, passive type for acoustic musical instruments. 
The MSP installation which has obtained international patents is innovative. Just only sandwiching instrument soundboard with magnets. 

For more MSP pickup information: https://123sound.jp/msp_e.html
Pickup (mic): MSP pickup by 123sound.jp https://123sound.jp/index_e.html Effects pedal: blueSky (Reverb) by strymon


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