
Showing posts from May, 2022

[ Kalimba & MSP pickup ] Recording covered "Ballade pour Adeline" with Roland GO:MIXER and MSP pickup

 "Ballade pour Adeline" is covered on Kalimba, seeds 17 keys.  "Ballade pour Adeline" in this video is recorded with MSP pickup and Roland GO:MIXER. The MSP pickup in this video is attached on the sound board of the Kalimba with strong magnets. MSP pickup can be mounted to sandwich soundboard. | (MSP pickup company site) | SHOP | #BalladepourAdeline #kalimbarecording #gomixer #roland #seeds17keys #kalimbacover #howto

[ Kalimba & MSP-stronger pickup ] Comparing the MSP pickup positioning on MAGADI M30/SEEDS 17KEYS/EeleKtronics ELK-001 Rock Kalimba

An MSP pickup user tested the MSP pickup position on three Kalimbas, MAGADI M30/SEEDS 17KEYS/EeleKtronics ELK-001 Rock Kalimba. The MSP pickup in this video is connected to a mini amp (Marshall) directly. Although the bridge of MAGADI M30 seems to be made of non-magnetic metal, she tried to attach MSP pickup on the bridge with attracting the kalimba's keys. Please check the comparisons in this video.  MSP pickup is a contact pickup which can be installed with strong magnets. MSP pickup is patented. MSP can be mounted to sandwich a soundboard with MSP pickup and a magnet. MSP pickup has a male plug or female jack. You can choose a connector as you like in ordering. | (MSP pickup company site) | SHOP | #MAGADI #kalimba #rockkalimba #fhole #SEEDS #17KEYS #30KEYS #electric #pickup #magnetic #MSPpickup